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Municipal Archive

archivo municipal

Municipal Archive
San Javier Town Hall and Plaza de España, 3
30730 San Javier, Murcia
Phone: 968 573 700; Ext. 5226

The Municipal Archive of San Javier has the mission to collect, to guard, to organize, to preserve and to spread the documents generated by the City council throughout its history and in any support, in order to make them available to:

  • The municipal administration itself, to facilitate the
  • The citizens, for information, resolution of administrative matters and historical research.

The documentary fund preserved in the Archive covers from 1836, year in which it was constituted the City council of San Javier, after its segregation of the municipal term of Murcia, until the present time.

Functions of the Municipal Archive of San Javier:

  • Organization of the transfer of documents from the different negotiated to the Archive. Receipt of these documents and those admitted by other channels.
  • Preparation of files for proper conservation.
  • Organization of the fund, which involves the application of the Classification Chart and its arrangement, following the most appropriate criteria for each documentary series, as well as its location In the units of installation and process of signaturación.
  • Planning and putting into operation of automation systems, not only of the instruments.
  • Preparation of the instruments for describing the documentary fund for maximum dissemination.
  • Advising on measures to prevent and preserve the fund and propose restorative actions, if necessary.
  • Preparation of reports and
  • Preparation of the specific use regulations for the Archive.
  • Attention and service to the architects, architects, Different negotiated from the municipal administration, the citizen and the researcher through loan, consultation, reproduction, etc. And control of these services.
  • Dissemination of the instruments of description and development and implementation of cultural and educational activities.

Deputy Councilor:
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