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The Plenary approves the compensation and indemnities of the Corporation that remain as in the previous term


The extraordinary session of the Plenary held today has approved the regime of dedication and remuneration of the Corporation, which remain the same as the last legislature, and other relative aspects the eventual staff, the composition of the Local Government Board, informative commissions, and the appointment of representatives of the Corporation in various collegiate bodies.

The agreement approved today by the Plenary establishes exclusive dedication for the mayor, José Miguel Luengo and council members Rubén Pérez, Antonio Marcelo Martínez and David Martínez who will keep at all the cases the retributions of the last legislature with 52,000 euros annual the mayor and 42,000 euros the councilors with full dedication. The same agreement recognizes partial dedication of 70 percent for the other seven councilors of the government team with an assignment of 28,000 euros, also maintaining the approved remuneration in the previous stage.

The councilors with total or partial dedications are excluded of the compensation and assistance regime for the members of the Corporation that will be 700 euros for attendance at the sessions ordinary of the Plenary and 500 euros to the Local Government Board. Do not There will be compensation for the extraordinary sessions of the Plenary. The proposal was approved with the favorable vote of the Popular group, the abstention of Citizens-C's and VOX and against the g



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