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The mayor José Miguel Luengo received the Alevín team "A" from El Mirador FS after proclaiming himself a camopeón of the autonomic Futsal League


The mayor of San Javier José Miguel Luengo and the Councilor for Sports, Estíbaliz Masegosa They met with the young players of category Alevín "A" from El Mirador FS, to those who congratulated for their effort to proclaim themselves champions of the regional football league, after get the victory over the second classified, the City of Lorca 2-1, in a match that took place in the El Pavilion Mirador, where they received all the support of their neighbors.

The Alevín team "A" has maintained the necessary regularity to get the league composed of 12 teams getting 56 points with 110 goals in favor. Likewise, in this same League, the Club of El Mirador has had another team Alevín, who has finished in 5th position with 40 points and 98 goals in favor. Those responsible, who they remembered that it is the third time that one of the equipment of the club, founded in 2003, gets a league champion, they are insured the future of the club with the results obtained by its players more young boys.



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