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One possibility among a thousand


Meeting with the authors of the award-winning comic UNA POSIBILIDAD AMEN MIL, within the READ TO THINK, THINK TO LIVE cycle, offered to the community of San Javier by the Mental Health Team of the Mar Menor Area. < p> Cristina Durán and Miguel Ángel Giner Bou, are new parents, but the future of her daughter Laila is in danger from the first moments. Hospitals, rehabilitation centers and doctors become your routine. THERE IS A POSSIBILITY BETWEEN ONE THOUSAND OF WHICH LAILA COMES FORWARD. And he clings to her with a tremendous force, an overflowing joy, dragging everyone down the path of life. This is the story they decide to tell through a graphic novel and that they bring us to San Javier. We will talk with them and with Mental Health specialists, we will discuss the subject of hope and the authors will sign copies.



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